Greenwashing Greenwashing describes a marketing-based approach to ESG practices, where a company or a financial institution claims to be sustainable without making appropriate changes to business operations. Greenwashing is a…
Greenwashing Greenwashing describes a marketing-based approach to ESG practices, where a company or a financial institution claims to be sustainable without making appropriate changes to business operations. Greenwashing is a…
Understanding ESG Investing In our White Paper, “The Corporate ESG Guide: A 360 View on the Current Landscape and Trends”, we gathered industry views from leading market participants in…
Following the hugely successful launch of our 100 page White Paper entitled “The Corporate ESG Guide: A 360 View on the Current Landscape and Trends”, we are pleased to announce…
Investor Update is pleased to announce the release of our ESG White Paper, titled “The Corporate ESG Guide: A 360 View on the Current Landscape and Trends”. This comprehensive 100-page…
We are excited to announce the launch of our new website. Investor Update is excited to launch its new website at www.investor-update.com, as we continue to see strong revenue growth…
Investor Update is delighted to announce the launch of its Proxy Solicitation service as a natural extension of our IR services for corporates and their advisors, with senior hires to…
Dominic Watt joins as a Managing Director to help drive continued strong growth in the UK and Europe. Dominic brings a wealth of industry experience after spending 25 years in…
ESG is the hot topic of fund management in 2020 and it is crucial that corporates understand the wide range of market expectations of them, e.g. reporting and engagement across…
Investor Update is excited to announce that James Maunsell-Thomas is the latest addition to the growing team at Investor Update. James is currently a Partner with the investment firm YYX…
Investor Update is pleased to announce its move into bigger offices on King Street, overlooking Guildhall in the heart of the City, to accommodate the growing team as our strong…