Actionable, value-driven insights into your clients’ key shareholders. Uncover their investors, track activists and their supporters, engage with them – giving you the first-class information you need.
How we help
How we help
The most experienced shareholder intelligence team in Europe – unparalleled levels of disclosure and accuracy – complemented by best-in-class Proxy Solicitation to deliver seamless solutions.

Quite often, getting the deal hinges on having better information than anyone else.
This is particularly the case for M&A defence where the vote can go down to the last few shares. Investor Update excels in supplying the crucial holdings and trading detail combined with voting behaviour and intentions of your clients’ investors to enable you to give the right advice, to identify issues or opportunities, to make deals happen.
The right information leads to the right results.
Accurate and detailed shareholder intelligence allows you to identify and confront potential issues early, whether it is an activist entering the register or a proliferation of event funds with differing intentions – and engaging with these investors to ensure the right outcome. Confidence in the analysis means confidence in the advice you give.
“The combination of vast experience in shareholder intelligence and capital markets, regulatory know-how, peerless buy-side relationships and an unwavering commitment to our corporate clients is unique and is validated by every project we complete.”
Patrick Mitchell - Managing Partner
The key questions we help advisors answer about their clients’ investors include:
Who are our client’s investors exactly, by institution and fund, and what are their intentions?
To engage with shareholders you need to know who they really are.
Accuracy and detail are crucial to facilitate comprehensive investor engagement – which institution, which fund, which fund manager or who actually votes the position. All too often, we see incomplete or inaccurate Shareholder ID reports, which immediately places a corporate and its advisors on the back foot. Investor Update has the experience and expertise to deliver accurate Shareholder IDs that give you the full detail, together with voting and activism behaviour from our Proxy partners team to maximise shareholder support when it matters. All delivered on our innovative Proxy Portal.
Can we identify and track activists and their supporters early to allow proactive engagement?
Early engagement with activists can lead to more constructive dialogue.
Understanding the identity and intentions of an activist early in the process usually leads to a more constructive and less public dialogue. Key to this is understanding who the activists are, how and where they build their positions, and which other investors are likely to support them. Investor Update is able to identify and track these investors to ensure management and their advisors can engage with key decision-makers.
Which investors are buying and selling and what impact will that have on our client’s ambitions?
Monitoring movements during a transaction can identify potential issues.
M&A transactions result in huge churn in shareholder registers, with the inevitable entry of event funds to replace many Long Only and retail investors that often sell well before closing. Investor Update has the experience to identify and track these event funds, including which accounts and brokers they trade through, to highlight any potential concerns as early as possible. The combination with our experienced Proxy Solicitation team gives you and your client the highest chance of success, all tracked and detailed on our Proxy Portal platform.
How can my client ensure they attract the broadest capital base at IPO?
ESG preparations ahead of IPO will attract significant levels of sustainable capital.
ESG capital continues to grow rapidly, in particular dark green or specialist ESG capital, and previous projects have demonstrated that this specialist capital will participate heavily at IPO if the company is delivering and disclosing an appropriate ESG strategy. Therefore, ESG has to be another IPO workstream, which Investor Update can carry out for corporates and their advisors – from a Materiality Analysis to sector-specific ESG Disclosure best practice to Strategy, Communications and Remuneration. The earlier such preparations begin, the more embedded in company strategy and culture and hence the bigger the capital pool to pursue.
Investor Update was established with a primary mission: to provide top-tier advisory services to corporate IR teams and their advisors. Our commitment lies in delivering the market’s most accurate and current shareholder intelligence, coupled with customised ESG advisory and Proxy solutions. Our focus is on empowering our clients through expert guidance and insights.
Case studies
Intensive Shareholder Intelligence across German and US listings.
Regular, full Shareholder IDs and updates since October 2019 enabling management and IR to engage proactively with investors. Analysis continued post-bid, including board reports and tracking event funds, with a shift to monitoring activists once the deal fell away.
Activist Tracking
Activist tracking ahead of the Annual General Meeting.
Investor Update tracked numerous activists and investors thought to be influenced by activists that our client was concerned about in the months leading up to its AGM. The incumbent Shareholder ID provider was unable to provide the desired analysis. However, Investor Update had the regulatory know-how and buy-side relationships to get accurate and timely disclosure.
Investor Update supported BME pre- and post- SIX Group acquisition bid.
An existing client, BME engaged Investor Update to deliver further analysis once SIX Group bid for it, highlighting significant shifts from the pre-bid shareholder base, including a proliferation of event funds, as well as helping to identify outstanding shares not initially acquired by SIX Group.
Our Shareholder Intelligence
Services Include:
Impactful evidenced-based advisory solutions driven by extensive experience and detailed analysis of high-integrity data.
Share ID
Unparalleled analysis of your shareholder base forms the foundation of a successful IR strategy.
Identify and track activist investors and their supporters in real-time.
Measure the quality of your shareholder base vs peers and identify opportunities for improvement.
In-depth analysis of current levels of ESG investment vs peers and identification of key ESG targets.
Expand your investor universe effectively: meet the right people at institutions and funds that match your profile.
Access unbiased sentiment and feedback from the buy- and sell- side to help optimise your story.
Effectively communicate with your shareholders ahead of critical corporate actions.
Discover More
Speak to a member of our team on +44 20 3371 1177 or request our brochure.